"The design of packaging is an investment and as such,

it must bring the best results in the shortest time possible."

About Us

Innovative Packaging Ideas (IPI Co) is the result of a partnership between people with great experience in the field of packaging. The company specializes in the design and analysis of packaging procedures worldwide. Branding, Packaging Design, Packaging Solutions, Palletizing Solutions, Packing Effectiveness, are a few of the services we offer to our partners.


Our goal it to offer excellent design quality and competitive products. Therefore we offer product and packaging design services intended both for the domestic and foreign markets. Employing staff of high technical and scientific skills, the firm consults its customers to meet their particular needs in the field of packaging, while the business activities include advising on the use of alternative packaging and reducing environmental footprint.


Our main concern is to recommend developments to our customers so that we can provide services that not only emphasise the origin of products, but transform them into strong competitors of other international premium products.

Let’s get started.

Contact us. It's fun to be creative !

(+30) 2313 026161

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